Having a meal with your D/Fed boss is also a No-No as Raymond Franz found out.
Having a meal with your D/Fed boss is also a No-No as Raymond Franz found out.
a couple of threads over on reddit that there is a letter to elders on restarting meetings.
i find this hard to believe and have not seen anything on this from our trusty sources on this site.
can anyone confirm?.
There is a new thread saying some meetings to return in Hong Kong from 1st November 2021.
pilot program for in-person meetings to resume, to be launched in hong kong in nov. 2021. only fully vaccinated publishers are to be invited.
it's going to be a fader's paradise.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/q9e9pg/and_so_it_begins/?%24deep_link=true&correlation_id=fb861c4a-8c7e-4bad-b1e3-4c86b3254daf&post_fullname=t3_q9e9pg&post_index=1&ref=email_digest&ref_campaign=email_digest&ref_source=email&utm_content=post_title&%243p=e_as&_branch_match_id=936859150293933406&utm_medium=email%20amazon%20ses.
Groan. The last thing I want this winter is to drive to a KH on a cold and wet night to sit in that stuffy airless building.
we just had our co visit a few weeks ago.
apparently, he was encouraging all who could to regular pioneer, to at least try it out for a year.
because of this, we had a few people in our hall become one.. so this weekend we were on zoom service, and the sister that was just appointed was talking about it.
the olden days pioneers got the literature from the book room at cheaper rates than ordinary publishers. That was a tangible benefit and demarkation
That is correct, all magazines and literature had three rates, Publisher, Pioneer, Special Pioneer So for a magazine which sold to the public for 4d, a publisher paid 3d, a pioneer 1d and a special 1/2d. (For younger or non UK d is an abbreviation for the pre-decimal penny) The congregation was charged at the publisher rate and then they claimed back the difference for all literature and magazines for the pioneers and specials. So being a pioneer actually cost the society money. The idea was they made a few pennies on all placements but in return had to make the hour requirement each year (1200 in the 1960's)
Now it doesn't cost the society they will appoint anyone to pioneer just for the statistics.
Yes, they still run the Pioneer School during Covid, it's done on ZOOM. some from our congregation attended recently.
i grew up in the 70s and had a few of the posters young guys have.
farrah fawcett and bo derek in 10. i just bought a vintage copy of both for my work shop.
my wife says she does not care but you never know.
Yes, she has no hang ups like that. I have a book on the Playboy mansion and another on the Playmates. I bought them in a sale many years ago. Other similar photography books. Recently we were reorganising a bookcase and as she thumbed through one of them laughed and said not to let the elders see it or they would all be wanting to borrow it.
is it the annual meeting this weekend?
any insights on "new light" or new releases?.
Annual meeting was held on September 11, according to the latest Update #8.
That was not the AGM, it was the Gilead Graduation and meal (5:40) AGM should have been today (02-10-21), first Saturday of October.
i was wondering would you like to have ex jw flag or a bumper sticker?
if you know how to do some graphics, i would like to see your designs.
Did CTR use the phrase "Religion is a snare and a racket"? I thought that was J F Rutherford.
2021-09-22-covid jw deaths--philippines .
see the bottom of paragraph 1.
"these figures indicate that the ratio of deaths among the brothers is even higher than among the general population.
Interesting table of deaths per 100,000 on BBC news today included:-
US 209.3
India 33.1
Peru 623.0
UK 202.8
Philippines 35.1
South Korea 4.8
Yes, I know "lies, damn lies and statistics"
i've not heard anything from pimi wife about going back to the khs yet let alone the door to door work.. many churches round here have re-opened if only for private pray and i am guessing that things like singing may be a factor in the reluctance of the witnesses to get back together again.
i also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
on the other hand, here in uk you can now go to a football match with 70,000 others shouting and chanting.. the door to door work may a total different issue.
I also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
Absolutely true. With almost 1,000 deaths and 240,000 new cases here in the UK in the past week a stuffy KH is the last place I want to go, even with my mask on.
u/aposta-fish from exjw reddit.
good news bad news pandemic and kingdom halls.. first the bad news, coming out of israel - one of the first countries to push total vaccination.
the news is the vaccine especially the pfizer one looks like it wears off and hospital rates have gone up for those that have been vaccinated.
I dread the thought of having to go out on a cold wet evening to sit in a stuffy, poorly ventilated KH for two hours. The sooner they get the "For Sale" sign out the better. Lockdown has been great, no shepherding visits to make us feel guilty at our low hours.
As for the "booster shot", I've got my sleeve rolled up ready.